地域ネットワーク航空を支援する   Supporting the Regional Network Aviation

TOKI Aviation Capital Co., Ltd.

〒100-0013 東京都千代田区霞が関3-2-6 東京倶楽部ビルディング9階 ㈱デジタルフォルン内(東京メトロ虎ノ門駅から徒歩5分)
      Digital Vorn, Tokyo Club Building 9F Kasumigaseki 3-2-6, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0013 JAPAN (5 minutes by walk from Tokyo Metro Toranomon Station)
〒950-0088 新潟市中央区万代1丁目 1番4-602
      1-4-602 Bandai Chuo-ku,Niigata-shi, Niigata-ken 950-0088 JAPAN 

       有料職業紹介業 厚生労働大臣許可 15-ユ-300209
       労働者派遣業 厚生労働大臣許可 派 15-300492

当社の特長  Our features

1 地域航空会社の経営の変革 Management reform for regional airlines

(1) 低コスト経営の実現
 Realization of low-cost management

意外と値段が高い地域ネットワーク航空に、日本で初めて、外資系LCC(Low Cost Carrier)の効率経営の手法を取り入れた、航空会社の設立及び航空会社の経営サポートを実施します。

Regional network aviation may turn out unexpectedly
expensive; we are here to support the establishment
and management of aviation companies by applying
our efficient management methodology fostered
through Japan's first LCC.

        Business integration

        Clarify roles and responsibilities

    c. 各地域航空会社間の連携  
             Integrate multiple regional airlines


(2) 航空機材の活用法
  Fleet utilization


In addition to regular passenger transport,
we propose the following utilization.
We will support the company to be
established/managed in coordination with
local governments.

  a. 貨物輸送
    Freight transportation

    Disaster prevention /
    medical care for remote island

    Charter use

(3) 環境への配慮
 Environmental considerations


There are routes in Japan where propeller equipment
can be transported more efficiently than jet aircraft.
We recommend the use of fuel efficient and
environmentally friendly turboprops (ATR)
for these routes.


2 航空人材の派遣及び紹介 Dispatch and introduction of aviation personnel


There are routes in Japan better utilized by propeller
than jet engines. We recommend fuel-efficient and
environment-friendly turboprops (ATR) for such cases.

 ① 防衛省 55歳定年者の派遣及び紹介
   Dispatch or introduce ex-defense personnel,
     retired reaching 55 years of ages

 ② 国内外の航空専門人材の派遣及び紹介
   Dispatch and introduction of domestic and
     foreign aviation professionals

 ③ 派遣、紹介前に事前教育及び訓練の実施
   Provide pre-onboard training

3 便利で魅力的な空港と地域活性化の推進

      Promotion of attractive and easy-to-use airports and regional revitalization


We support the operations and management of
airports by integrating with airlines, airport
buildings, airport access, regional tourism, etc.
Our goal is for the airport to obtain popularity
and enrich its local citizens. Our nationwide
development continues by supporting regional
revitalization and integration among regions.

 ① 空港経営へのサポート
  Support the management of airport

 ② 地域活性化の促進
  Promote regional revitalization

 ③ 県境の壁を越え、地域間連携及び、活性化ビジネスモデルの全国展開
  Integrate across prefectures and regions
      in order to develop our revitalization
      business model throughout the nation.