地域ネットワーク航空を支援する   Supporting the Regional Network Aviation

TOKI Aviation Capital Co., Ltd.

〒100-0013 東京都千代田区霞が関3-2-6 東京倶楽部ビルディング9階 ㈱デジタルフォルン内(東京メトロ虎ノ門駅から徒歩5分)
      Digital Vorn, Tokyo Club Building 9F Kasumigaseki 3-2-6, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0013 JAPAN (5 minutes by walk from Tokyo Metro Toranomon Station)
〒950-0088 新潟市中央区万代1丁目 1番4-602
      1-4-602 Bandai Chuo-ku,Niigata-shi, Niigata-ken 950-0088 JAPAN 

       有料職業紹介業 厚生労働大臣許可 15-ユ-300209
       労働者派遣業 厚生労働大臣許可 派 15-300492

代表者ごあいさつ Greeting from the representative

会いたい人に逢ってますか? 旅をあきらめてませんか?

「もっと安かったら行ってみたい!」そんなところはありませんか? 「国内より、海外旅行が安い」と思ってませんか? 





TOKI Aviation Capital株式会社  代表取締役
トキエア 株式会社  代表取締役
長谷川 政樹


Do you meet the person you want to meet?
Have you given up your journey?

"I would like to go if it's cheaper!"
Do you think "traveling abroad is cheaper than
in Japan"?


Compared with Europe, the United States
and neighboring countries, Japan's LCC
(domestic flight)service rate is low, and its spread
in rural areas isparticularly slow. Nevertheless,
recently, people living in central Tokyo have been
able to go to rural areas cheaply.
In particular, women and young travelers are
Now you can go to Okinawa for a few thousand yen.
Once a life trip is now available every month.

We established this company so that this situation
spreads to the local areas, and that people living
in the local areas can feel the moisturizing of their
lives, and that this thought can be a driving force
for regional revitalization.

We are transforming regional network aviation.

If you would like to participate in this transformation
project, please contact me by all means.
Let's change the sky of Japan together.

 Masaki Hasegawa

 Representative Director of TOKI Aviation Capital
 Representative Director of TOKI Air